11 Aralık 2008 Perşembe


Many people are concerned about their weight. Society emphasizes being thin, and heavier people often are very aware of their weight and how they are seen by others. We hear in the news that more and more people are becoming overweight and obese. So, what does it mean?

Obesity means having too much body fat. Many factors involved in determining why some people are heavier than others and how much risk they have for developing other health conditions. Some of these factors are genetic- if either of your parents is obese, you are more likely to be obese- and others are related to your culture, environment, and behavior. Basically,you gain weight when you take more calories than your body consumes through its normal functions. Many people overeat when they feel stressed out or depressed. Some people eat in response to negative emotions such as boredom, sadness, or anger.

Whatever the reason is, one thing for sure and that is obesity is unhealthy. It causes to develop some health problems such as high blood pressure ,coronary artery disease, stroke, and sleep apnea. Obese people do need to be convinced of the benefits of losing weight. Although it might mean some sacrifice, displaying self-discipline, and taking less of some pleasures previously taken in abundance, it is worth going through the process.

Because obesity is a chronic disease, it requires long-term management. Treatment focuses on losing weight to improve or eliminate related health problems than to achieve an ideal weight. It consists of modifying your eating habits and physical activity and monitoring your behavior, that is, discovering what triggers you to eat.

2 yorum:

Ayaz BABAYEV dedi ki...

ı want to be a fat too:):)

Baygeldi Durdiyev dedi ki...

you don't need to be.You're already charismatic..