I’ve recently realized that Turkish culture is very rich with it’s proverbs, idioms, jokes and etc…And I have a great desire to learn them. Lastly, I red a book called “A DİCTİONARY OF TURKİSH PROVERBS”, written by Metin Yurtbaşı. I really enjeyed while I was reading it and I want to share with you some proverbs with their english tranlations.
*“Inanma dostuna, saman doldurur postuna”
-Don’t trust your friend or he will skin you alive and stuff your hide with straw.
*“Biri yarar, ikisi karar, üçü zarar.”
-One is benefit, two are the limit, three are of detriment.
*“Varsa pulun olurum kulun; yoksa pulun kapıdır yolun.”
-If you have a money, I’m your slave; if not there’s the door.
*“Güzel nerde kavga orda.”
-Where there is beauty , there is strife
*“Sakla samanı gelir zamanı”
-Save hay for rainy day.
*“Eşegin kuyruğunu kalabalıkta kesme, kimi uzun der kimi kısa.”
-Don’t dock the donkey’s tail in a crowd, some will say it’s too long, others it’s too short
It continues like that. I recommend you read this book. It’s very enjoyable.
2 yorum:
my frıend you really have chosen very ınterestıng ıssue.the proverbs are very comıcs:)
Our culture is very rich in all aspects. And all this sayings are very good and comic :D
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