I wish I said that I had a good English teacher at high school.But, one thing prevent to say that: they were all cold. One of them was old Russian lady and I don’t remember that she called my name. Therefore,thanks to her,I have never felt sympathy neither to her nor to English.
Eventually I found my favourite English teacher when I came here. She was my teacher in prep school. She was excellent both in the profession of teacher and in personality. She had a good knowledge about everything and her teaching style was nice.So that, we have never bored when we were in her lessons. Also, we could share everything with her.
In my opinion, teacher is a holy profession. So it shouldn’t be wasted because of some people.People should choose teacher as a profession, if they like it.
1 yorum:
yes,I think a character test should be done as well as the written examination while choosing student to education faculties
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