There are a lot of events occured in our lovely world. Some of them are good while some are strange and bad. Good events don’t make us think much on it. But, because of our strong human feelings, we are likely to think on bad events. I wanna talk about girls forced to marry when they are child. Child marriage is common in parts of Africa,
Gulam Hader,from Afganistan,is 11 years old and forced to marry with a forty-year old man.
Roshan Kasem, 8 years old, married to Said Mohammed, a 55 year old man.Her father is to poor to feed her.
Mejabin,13, became the second wife of Mohammed Fazal, 45, because her father bartered her to make up for his gambling debt.
Destaye Amare is 11 yers old and married with the priest of church.
So,what was their fault? They didn’t have any fault.The fault was the stupidity that their society has.They were only child and they only thought about playing game.Actually,they didn’t get married.They went into the grave. Although they are child themselves,they will grow child.
2 yorum:
Hello, I like the blog.
It is beautiful.
Sorry not write more, but my English is bad writing.
A hug from Portugal
Unfortunetely, early marrıage ıs common ın our country too.But ıt ısnt so compulsory ın our country.but ı thınk ıt wrong ıdea to marry early.you must feel yourself ready to yhıs. and ı belıeve that anyone who marry early doesnt be happy
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