Yes, only one day has left to new year. 2008 will go and 2009 will come. People have been preparing for it and they have a lot of plans. They all want to celebrate it happily. I always wonder that what will be changed if the year changes. We all have a different ideas about it. Some of us believe that everything will change if the year changes. We believe that new year brings new chances. But, I’m of the opinion that nothing will change. We will be same.We will have the same life. Is there anyone who believes that our character or something of us will change?? I’m not a pessimist. But,it’s a reality. Of course, I wish everything changed in a good way. I hope Santa Claus will bring good things as a gift. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
30 Aralık 2008 Salı
23 Aralık 2008 Salı

I wish I said that I had a good English teacher at high school.But, one thing prevent to say that: they were all cold. One of them was old Russian lady and I don’t remember that she called my name. Therefore,thanks to her,I have never felt sympathy neither to her nor to English.
Eventually I found my favourite English teacher when I came here. She was my teacher in prep school. She was excellent both in the profession of teacher and in personality. She had a good knowledge about everything and her teaching style was nice.So that, we have never bored when we were in her lessons. Also, we could share everything with her.
In my opinion, teacher is a holy profession. So it shouldn’t be wasted because of some people.People should choose teacher as a profession, if they like it.
18 Aralık 2008 Perşembe
Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee was born in San Fransisco in November 1940 and raised in tantly getting himself into fights, with this in mind he looked towards Kung Fu as a way of disciplining himself. In 1959, at the age of 18, Lee got into a fight and badly beat his opponent, getting into trouble with the police. His father became concerned about young Bruce's safety, and as a result, he and his wife decided to send Bruce to the
11 Aralık 2008 Perşembe
Many people are concerned about their weight. Society emphasizes being thin, and heavier people often are very aware of their weight and how they are seen by others. We hear in the news that more and more people are becoming overweight and obese. So, what does it mean?
Obesity means having too much body fat. Many factors involved in determining why some people are heavier than others and how much risk they have for developing other health conditions. Some of these factors are genetic- if either of your parents is obese, you are more likely to be obese- and others are related to your culture, environment, and behavior. Basically,you gain weight when you take more calories than your body consumes through its normal functions. Many people overeat when they feel stressed out or depressed. Some people eat in response to negative emotions such as boredom, sadness, or anger.
Whatever the reason is, one thing for sure and that is obesity is unhealthy. It causes to develop some health problems such as high blood pressure ,coronary artery disease, stroke, and sleep apnea. Obese people do need to be convinced of the benefits of losing weight. Although it might mean some sacrifice, displaying self-discipline, and taking less of some pleasures previously taken in abundance, it is worth going through the process.
Because obesity is a chronic disease, it requires long-term management. Treatment focuses on losing weight to improve or eliminate related health problems than to achieve an ideal weight. It consists of modifying your eating habits and physical activity and monitoring your behavior, that is, discovering what triggers you to eat.
Most people believe that women talk more. However,according to linguistics who study the communication style of women and men, this is stereotype. According to them, women are more verbal –talk more- in private situations, where they use conversation as the ‘glue’ to hold relationships together. However, men talk more in public situations, where they use conversation to exchange information and gain status. We can see these differences even in children. Little girls often play with one best friend, their play includes a lot of conversation. Little boys often play games in groups, their play usually involves more doing than talking. I think it’s a bit interesting that parents talk very differently to their sons than they do to their daughters. It begins when the children are newborn babies. Males don’t vocalize as much as girls do, and they don’t have as much eye contact. Female babies vocalize, look at their parents, and remain alert longer. Therefore, parents respond by talking more to the baby girls, who seem to be paying attention and talking back to them. Apparently, then, biology determines the amount of language that parents use.
9 Aralık 2008 Salı
So, what do you think???

Since the birth of the first human clone baby, Eve, in the US, both ordinary people and some experts working in the field of genetic engineering have been discussing the issue of human cloning. The majority believe that scientists should have waited for the results of research done on animal cloning before using this procedure on humans. Many are not sure whether the cloned humans will grow up to be normal individuals. Despite the great advances in genetic advances, these people would rather keep to the natural way of reproduction. Scientists, however, defend themselves by stating that if they had stopped conducting genomic research, many developments in medical technology wouldn’t have taken place. It seems as if the issue of cloning will generate even more heated debate in a few years’ time as more and more humans are cloned. It seems that there is a dilemma between ethics and and the developments in medical technology.So, what do you think: is it ethical or not?

Last spring we rented an old manner house that had been built on the site of an ancient battle ground where thousands of men are supposed to have died. We didn't believe the ghost stories which the housekeeper told us. On the Monday of the second week,I was woken up in the middle of the night by the terrible screams and moans coming from the basement. We went downstairs where the screams were even louder. We were so terrified that we ran all the way to the village where we spent the night at a hotel. The next day the housekeeper said that the screams we heard were the ghosts of the soldiers who had died during the second world war. We didn't sleep in the house again. It was certainly the most frightening experience I had ever had.