23 Ocak 2009 Cuma

Albert Einstein

The genious scholar Albert Einstein was born in southern Germany, in the city of Ulm, in 1887.I want to give short ınformatıon about hım.
Albert Einstein did not appear to be a genius at first. Unlike many people, Einstein's father introduced algebra to him. Einstein was so interested in it that when he was fourteen he started his own series of books on natural science. When Einstein got older he became so intensely involved in math that he enrolled in a college in Switzerland. Even though he was enrolled in college, Einstein usually stayed in his room and did studied on his own. Einstein graduated from college in 1900 and from there looked for employment.
Einstein was an unique in science.He is the greatest scientist of 21th century. He conjured and revolutionized ideas of space, time and motion.

6 Ocak 2009 Salı


I’ve recently realized that Turkish culture is very rich with it’s proverbs, idioms, jokes and etc…And I have a great desire to learn them. Lastly, I red a book called “A DİCTİONARY OF TURKİSH PROVERBS”, written by Metin Yurtbaşı. I really enjeyed while I was reading it and I want to share with you some proverbs with their english tranlations.

*“Inanma dostuna, saman doldurur postuna”

-Don’t trust your friend or he will skin you alive and stuff your hide with straw.

*“Biri yarar, ikisi karar, üçü zarar.”

-One is benefit, two are the limit, three are of detriment.

*“Varsa pulun olurum kulun; yoksa pulun kapıdır yolun.”

-If you have a money, I’m your slave; if not there’s the door.

*“Güzel nerde kavga orda.”

-Where there is beauty , there is strife

*“Sakla samanı gelir zamanı”

-Save hay for rainy day.

*“Eşegin kuyruğunu kalabalıkta kesme, kimi uzun der kimi kısa.”

-Don’t dock the donkey’s tail in a crowd, some will say it’s too long, others it’s too short

It continues like that. I recommend you read this book. It’s very enjoyable.


Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world. However, it will never be as popular in the U.S. as big spectacular sports for some reasons. The biggest reason is that it doesn't conform easily to the demands of television. Basketball, for example, succeeds enormously in America because it has regular time-outs, which are ideal for Tv commercials. However, soccer, with the exception of its half-time break, has no time outs. The next reason that soccer is not so popular is that Americans love their violence, and soccer doesn't provide it in the way that American football and hockey do. The last reason for soccer's lack of popularity is that it is just too difficult to score in soccer. America love its football games, with scores like 49 to 35, and a professional basketball game with scores below 100 is regarded as a defensive bare. In soccer, on the other hand, scores like 2 to 1, or even 1 to 0, are common place and apparently desirable. The reasons that why Americans don't love soccer seem reasonably.